Friday 14 January 2011

I Am a Vandal

What did the Vandals do? They sacked Rome - they ruined it.

So, I am a vandal because most of the things I do every day lead, indirectly to vandalism on my behalf. Vandalism isn't bad on its own - its only bad when the thing being vandalized is very important.

Every time I drive anywhere, eat packaged food, turn the lights on, watch tv or even spend money in a chain store, I unintentionally and indirectly vandalize the thing that gave me my life and allows it to continue.

This very important thing that I vandalize every day, on which (ironically) I have a free ride for as long as I am alive is an amazing self-sustaining organic planet. This planet doesn't need me to survive - I need it. Yet I vandalize it and for so long I didn't think about it because the damage I do mostly gets washed or blown away or buried underground far away from me where I cant smell, see or touch it.

I don't need to bleat on about climate change, overfishing, sea acidification, or C02 emissions or the giant pacific garbage patch or any of the other media guilt trips out there, its much simpler than that for me.
I can breathe air because earths delicate eco systems are still producing it for me. I can drink fresh water because sea is still healthy enough to make rain happen.

It doesnt matter whether all our vandalism to the eco-system will be enough to kill us all off -  thats not the point at all. Its just plain stupid to try hack away at the hand that feeds me. Earth is the hand that feeds me, so am I wise to vandalize it?

This isn't about God, or morals or being green even, its just about human stupidity and the unfortunate false sense of security that we get from living far away from any real danger here in our developed country. I can sometimes see the danger way off in TV land or youtube land, but then I can forget it and sleep in a warm bed and everything is fine in the morning when I will make a cup of tea with fresh, clean water that comes out of my tap, before flushing another bucket full of fresh drinking water down the toilet to wash away my crap (well some of it anyway!). 

Never mind, tomorrow is a new, clean day.

Vandalisation: The ruthless destruction or spoiling of anything beautiful or venerable

1 comment:

  1. Gav

    Great to hear your views. As I would expect from Gav alternative and straight to point.

    I agree that sometimes the whole environmental message gets too ethereal, i.e. nobody can actually do anything about it in their real lives. Basic messages are what we need.

    Stay real



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