I have often used the word devjolly to describe things at work - It just seems to fit so many circumstances that I have tried to define it as a new term - here is the rough draft:
In a programming context...
–verb (used without object)
1. Your having a f****** devjolly!
In a programming context...
- Developers having fun.
- The act of employing development techniques or tools unnecessarily, simply for their own sake, during the writing or extending of an application.
- Describing code that is written at the whim of the developer who would have typically employed the latest coding techniques, tools and methodology without due consideration of the eventual commercial impact of doing so.
- Coding techniques, tools and methodology that are employed, merely to satisfy a desire to learn, or to produce code that will impress confuse or confound peers, serving to elevate the authors own peer group status.
- A 'devjollied' application would typically lock in unnecessary external dependencies and contain overly complex code that requires increased development time for anyone but the original author, to enhance or bug fix it.
–verb (used without object)
1. Your having a f****** devjolly!
DevJolly :- Could also be known as, A developer team piss up at the boss's expense