Sunday 11 December 2022

Why I quit my morning coffee

16 years ago, I decided to become a fully fledged classical guitarist. This tall order would need a daily practice committment of at least 2 hours per day . 

The only thing standing in my way was a  full-time 9 to 5 job, so the only way forward was get up ridiculously early and practise guitar before I began work at 9am.
I really struggled to wake up quickly and get the most out of this two hours, so decided coffee was the answer. Actually a 
very, very strong tripless espresso, that woke me up and put me straight into study focus.

Three days ago I stopped drinking that early morning coffee. I'd heard a podcast explaining what microbiologists had discovered about the early morning caffeine kick start does to the body. It turns out that the severe caffeine crash I'd been having every afternoon could be avoided, simply by not drinking my coffee immediately after waking up. This would  allow the body time to kick start all the necessary metabolic processes that keep us going all day. I'd been sabotaging mine for 16 years and in the last year or two, I'd put my afternoon slump down to circumstantial factors beyond my control. I was wrong. It was indeed the coffee crash - deep and dark , just like my morning brew! 

What an incredible difference in the way I feel. My afternoons are transformed by recovery of the motivation and optimism that usually started my day. Almost immediately after stopping the caffeine kick start fix, I am energised for longer , many hours longer and feel good all afternoon.  I wish I'd quit years ago, I really do. 

I still drink coffee , but not in the morning, not any more. 

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