Saturday 20 August 2011

Life is short

Remember as a child, how the summers used to last forever, and how far away next year always seemed? Remember waking up feeling free and excited about the day ahead with a sense of optimism that maybe you can only get when you are young - when so much is unfamiliar and responsibility is something your parents have.

And now, all grown-up, how the years fly ever more speedily by and how my childish naive optimism has become charred by responsibility and consequences; and the freedom that I think I still have is actually chained up like a wild dog frothing at the mouth. These grown-up days are filled up with routines, clocks, facts and cynicism. I see the same things over and over, hear the same sounds day after day and every smell is so familiar, I don't even notice.

Maybe life isn't too short - it just seems like it is because the daily tastes, sounds, sights and smells don't really change much from day to day. 

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