Saturday 19 March 2011

I persuaded eBay to back down - #WIN

This is an update from my Greedy eBay post a couple of weeks ago.

I got another bill from ebay last night. £23.50!

Just to be clear - I haven't sold anything on ebay - ever. I do not have any active items. I tried to sell a couple of things last month (for which they already charged me over £20) but they didnt sell and I didnt re-post them because eBay are greedy thieving pirates and need a slap.

Ho can they possibly justify charging me for NOT using their service? Will I get another bill next month?

I tried to close my account down last night and remove my credit card, but they want to  keep it until I have paid my bills. BILLS? FOR WHAT?!!

Going to phone them now and SHOUT at them A LOT. Will update here after..

8.59am update: its  and I am in a call queue to eBay support. The american robot tells me that my call will be answered in 19 minutes - in the meantime I have to listen to them remind me me how great they are! FFS! ....

09.38am after a good telephone rant that lasted 20 minutes, they have agreed to cancel the £23.50 charge - and I only had to speak to 2 monkeys! I argued on strictly moral and ethical grounds with no legal footing whatsoever.

a small win for me, but a big win for the little fish.

 rational footnote:
Technically, eBay were within their rights to charge me (for a relist that didnt sell), but I judge eBay as I judge any person on the basis of morality an ethical behaviour. eBay's terms and conditions are morally and ethically akin to theft in my book. Being a business shouldn't give anyone the justification ignore what's morally right.

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