Thursday 9 March 2017

Easy Peelers

I bought some mandarins recently from my favourite supermarket. But they weren't called mandarins, they were called "Easy Peelers" . Why would a supermarket like Waitrose pander to the kind of people who want everything to be easy? 

I mean, what's wrong with a little effort - a bit of an incline before free wheeling down the other side - a bit of a struggle, a bit of a challenge. Surely dues must be paid before the most salubrious rewards can be lavished!? No? Of course they bloody should! 

Well I for one am very happy to say these mandarins were actually the most difficult to peel small orange fruit I've come accross in a long time. They were deliciously sweet and sharp, well worth the effort and mess it took me to peel them. In fact, I'd have to say that without the peeling challenge, I probably wouldn't have expected them to taste so good.

What I've learned from this experience is that I really like Mandarins, preferably organic ones. The problem is that without my reading glasses I can't tell whether the ones on the supermarket shelf are mandarins or tangerines because all I can see is the big label: EASY PEELERS - which they are not.

I hope my Clementines mandarins and satsumas continue to be difficult to peel. 

It's not the mis leading labeling that gets me, its what EASY PEELERS say about people.

When I see the 'Easy Peelers' label on Clementines, Tangerines, Maderines and Satsumas alike, it reminds me that I am living in a society that wants everything 'easy'. It's alreay easy - I mean, we get honey in jars, meat in packets and milk in cartons - isn't that enough? 

If my madarin tastes amazing, then I don't want the peeling to be EASY - I just doesn't feel right.
It feels good to pay for rewards. I don't want to cycle down a mountain unless I work hard to get to the top first. This is how things should be. Easy is lazy, easy is decadent, easy is lackadaisical. I just don't like it.

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