Saturday, 15 August 2020

Typos and Bad Grammar

My girlfriend has excellent grammar. She loves nothing more than to point out grammatical mistakes and typographical oversights in my older blog posts. Bravo! I hate bad grammar and badly written articles too, and I really can and should do better.

Having said that, there are a lot of colloquialisms in my posts. I know this doesn't excuse the bad grammar, but it does cut me some slack to use words that aren't in the English dictionary.

Having read back through a lot of my blog posts, I have to admit, the grammar is bad in places, my spelling too. I really don't have time to edit them all, so like that, they will remain - and I will be judged!

I have decided to at least proof my own blog posts from now on, in an effort to make sure that they at least represent the Grammar fascist that I am today. 

And that's all I have to say about that ( lest I make any more grammatical boobs)

Edit: After my girlfriend just read it.

I should just point out that any trailing spaces, or for that matter, leading spaces, or for that matter, missing punctuation simply don't count. Yes this is a disclaimer and that does count. 

Speed Learning Guitar

Practising the guitar is all about getting better at it. Repetition is necessary but repeat too much and progress can stop, as I found out. ...