Sunday 10 April 2011

Preparing for my channel to the Mediterranean cycle tour

Having really enjoyed my first 130 mile coast to coast cycle tour with friends from Ilfracome to Plymouth a couple weeks ago [watch video], I am now busy preparing for my next, slightly longer, solo coast to coast ride from the English Channel to the Mediterranean. This time I've decided to camp rather than stay in comfy B&B's, mainly because I haven't ever been camping and I'd like to give it a go, but also because I think it will make for a better overall experience.

Here is my route, starting on a channel beach near Caen and finishing on a Mediterranean beach just south of Montpellier - I'm not going to pin point every camp site or even try and predict where I will stop each night, but at an average of 50 miles a day I should be able to make it in 13 days (or less if I can knock out 70 or 80 miles a day in northern France (before it gets too hilly).

My journey goes through Milau (just south of point 'L' on the map below) - cant wait to see the record breaking Viaduct there!

View Larger Map

Went to look at the camping gear I'll be taking with me today. Including my tent, sleeping bag an panniers (unloaded) Im only adding about 4.5 kg of weight to my bike. Figure I'll need to carry at least a couple litres of water on the climbing days around the Tarn region and Languedoc so I need to try and save grams where I can. Amazed to be able to get a 2 man tent for £200 that weighs less than 1.3kg. If i can wash my clothes each night at the campsites, I shouldn't need to take too much clobber either. I will publish my Itenerary as soon as I've sorted it out.

I leave on Saturday 14th May.
If you fancy joining me,  Ill see you at Portsmouth docks about midday on 14th - dont be late!
Alternately, if you happen to be on the med at Avenue de la Méditerranée/D137 near Valras Plage (near Agde) on 27th May, Ill see you there.

Sunday 3 April 2011

Kodak Playsport vs Flip ultra video camera

Both of these cameras are sold as 'just point and shoot' cameras. That is what matters out in the field. When something unexpected happens you get the camera out quick and hit record.

I've been using Flip ultra (Ist generation) for a couple years now - mainly for mountain biking in the surrey hills and beyond. About 8 months ago I invested in a new Kodak Playsport HD video camera - an upgrade if you like. The playsport appealed to me because it looked smaller and nicer, and it had more options, as well as a bigger screen for playback. The waterproof thing was a bonus really but not something I would use (unless I dropped it in a puddle).

I've used them both for a while now- holding the camera while cycling along one handed, I can conclusively say that my next camera will be the new Flip ultra HD - effectively the HD equivalent of my Flip ultra.

So what's wrong with the Playsport?
Both cameras are really very good at what they do, but the playsport falls down for three entirely practical reasons:

1. Activating while on the move
I keep the camera in a waist bag while I am riding and that gives me quick and easy access to it at any moment. Once I get my hands on it, all I need to do is turn it on and hit record. the playsports unnecessarily slick design is smooth, thin and small - because of that its more difficult to grab quickly and get facing the right way in an action situation when you don't always have both hands free. Getting my thumb to the on button is more difficult too. Its in roughly the same place as the Flip's, but because the Playsport is thinner, its harder to turn in my one free hand - not impossible, just more fiddly and that means it takes me longer to activate it while on the move. An Action camera thats too fiddly for an action situation? Or maybe it was designed for people who like the idea of action recording but spend more time on the sofa with it admiring all the software settings?

2. Browsing and playback
The playsport requires me to access the playback mode before choosing which video to select to playback from thumnails of each. sounds ok, but having got used to the Flip way - much quicker. The Flip does this with one button 'press' then its playing already. The Flip has less options to play with on the sofa, but so much more practical to be quick in the Action situation. The playsport does give you more options for configuring the camera settings and some people like that, but this is why its slower. I didnt appreciate how good the Flip way is until I used the playsport on the move.

3. Connection to computer (to download video for editing)
This is more of a hardware issue. The Playsport comes with a lead that you plug in to charge it. The connection into the unit is rubbish. It works but its not very robust. I have to lie the camera down while charging otherwise the connection stops working. Just a poor design really and very frustrating. Maybe they could improve it by making the lead snap in to the connector socket so you know its in properly.

Whats wrong with the Flip?
Not much. It has virtually no options compared to the Playsport but it's supremely easy and convenient (one handed) to use while on the move. Its very quick to browse and review what you have recorded too - Hundreds of configuration options are only good if you like playing with yourself on the sofa.
I do wish the Flip had a removable SD card like the playsport. - more of a nice to have though. My older non HD Flip has quite small review screen too - another reason why the playsport appealed to me initially.

This isnt a detailed review on spec, as you've noticed by now - spec is for sofa posers. Big buttons and a non-slip brick shaped case that fits in my hand might not look as pretty - but function over form - any day. The new Flip ultra HD has a bigger review screen too. Just the job.

I recorded this video with my Flip ultra (non HD)
And I recorded this video with my Playsport in HD
And this video has clips from both my Flip and Playsport (can you spot the difference?)

Spec and features (posing now)
Zoom on the Flip is pointless, its better on the playsport but not quick or smooth enough for me. But you cant really expect decent optical zoom for less than 100 squid.

more soon....

update: 28.01.12
I'm now using the VEho Muvi HD10  - my review here:

Speed Learning Guitar

Practising the guitar is all about getting better at it. Repetition is necessary but repeat too much and progress can stop, as I found out. ...